Monday, December 31, 2012

the beard 365: fresh start

Mmmmm. there's nothing more manly or sexy than a man who can grow a full on beard. Not only is it functional (keeps you warm) but also the ultimate statement in manhood.

My husband is no exception, this man can shave in the morning and have a 5 o'clock shadow by lunch. It used to be a real problem while he was serving in the military, he would have to come home during lunch and shave again just to keep up with uniform regulations. Now that those days are long gone, he takes pride in his beard growning talent. This year we're putting his facial hair expedition in a 365 photo log. I'll be posting a new pic once a week for the next year. To start off he's completely shaved his entire beard and head, Yikes! He's not gonna shave or cut his hair for an entire year. So with a fresh start for the new year, here's the first of um... alot:
Join us weekly, feel free to comment and leave pics of your own beard expeditions if you want, it's all for fun

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